NUSTEP Public Health DL
Unit - Role of Epidemiology in Public Health
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Epidemiology
Monday, March 23rd -
Reading Assignment 1 - What is Epidemiology?
COMPLETE: Exercise 1.1 on Microsoft Forms - DUE WEDNE5DAY, MARCH 25th -
Reading Assignment 2 - History of Epidemiology
Click and Learn Activity: Go to website and Launch Interactive-
COMPLETE: Exercise 1.2 on Microsoft Forms - DUE WEDNE5DAY, MARCH 25th -
Wednesday, March 25
Reading Assignment 3 - The Epidemiologic Approach
Reading Assignment 4 -
Tuesday, March 31
Please go to the following website and complete the Scientific Method of Epidemiology Interactive. As you go through the interactive, please download and fill in the questions that go along with the activity. Then, email your completed worksheet.
Epidemiology and the Scientific Method - Worksheet
Tuesday, April 7
Epidemiology of the Nipah Virus
1. Download and Open the Student Worksheet - Here
2. Complete Parts 1-3 on the Worksheet
3. Watch the supporting video at:
4. Read the additional information - here
5. Complete the Part 4 questions on your Student Worksheet. Email me your completed worksheet by: Thursday, April 9th at 11:59pm.