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Chemistry - Course Expectations


Regents Chemistry

Instructor:  Mr. Dombrowski

Course Objectives:

            The main objective of this course is to familiarize the high school student with the composition and properties of substances along with the changes that these substances can undergo.  Students will also learn the way in which energy accompanies these changes.  Since mathematics is an integral part of Chemistry, students will also learn the mathematical formulas and equations needed in this field of science.  The Regents Examination will be taken by all students at the end of the year as a final assessment.


Expectations:  I expect everyone to:

1.     Come to class on time and prepared to learn.

2.     Respect the rights of others, especially the right to learn, by being quiet and attentive during class.

3.     Ask questions (by raising hands).

4.     Give their best effort to this class.

5.     Have fun!



            When the class bell rings, students are to be seated in their assigned seats, quiet, and prepared with needed materials.  Unexcused tardiness to class will result in the deduction of 2 points from the quarterly participation grade.  An absence will result in the deduction of 4 points from the quarterly participation grade.  When missed work is made up, the points will be returned.


1.     A notebook will be kept by all students.  It should be a standard 3-ring type.

2.     Textbook (must be covered), homework, pens, pencils (sharpened before class), reference tables, and a calculator.

3.     School laptop.


1.     Assignments will be written on the front board, and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of due dates.

2.     Absences:

a.      Have the assignment that was due the day you were absent ready to hand in the day you return to school.

b.     Students missing class work because of an absence will have as many days to make up the work as you were absent.

3.     Incomplete assignments will result in the deduction of 4 points from the 10% quarterly participation grade.

4.     No late assignment will be accepted!! They will receive 0%.

5.     Missing work will not be excused and must be made up.  It is the student’s responsibility to find out missing work.

Cell Phone Policy:

            Cell phones are NOT to be used during the class or laboratory time.  They may not even be on a student’s desk.  Cell phones are a distraction to the learning environment and will be taken for the period/day.

Discipline Policy:

1.     Common sense prevails in this classroom.  Students have the right to learn and must allow others to learn.  Disturbances and disruptions will not be tolerated.  After school detention with me or the office and/or removal from the class will be the consequence for such inappropriate behavior.  THIS IS YOUR WARNING!

2.     Parents will be contacted by phone and/or deficiency report if there is a problem.  If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact me before work becomes a real problem.

Extra Help:

            I will stay after school for makeup work, conference, assistance, etc.  Please make arrangements with me ahead of time.

No extra credit work will be given at anytime. NO EXCEPTIONS!


1.     70% - Tests – Cover material from a unit and/or chapter(s).  Can be given any day of the week and students will be given at least 3 days advanced notice.

2.     10% - Quizzes – Cover 1-2 days of notes and will never be unannounced.

3.     10% - Homework Assignments and Participation

a.      Full Credit – Complete and on time

b.     Half Credit – Incomplete and on time

c.      Zero credit – Complete/Incomplete and late

4.     10% - Laboratory Work