AP GOV - Exam Review Materials
College Board AP US Government & Politics Exam Resource page - College Board
AP US Govt. & Politics GoPo Pro Review - GoPo Review
- This site is highly recommended.
- In addition to having information about the structure of the test, the site has links to all of the required documents and court cases.
- Also worth checking out are "The Top Eight Review Ideas" and "Eight Day 'Magic' Review Program"
AP Govt Review - 10 Minute AP Gov Unit Review Videos
- This site was created by Adam Norris, a teacher from western New York (Hip Hughes History!)
- Good site for overview of key concepts / materials / ideas
The Ultimate List of AP Government Tips - AP US Gov. Tips
Kahn Academy Test Resources - Kahn Academy
Mrs. Lacks AP Gov. Review Page - Mrs. Lacks
Documents to Review
AP Gov - Req'd Cases Summaries - Pt 1
AP Gov - Req'd Cases Summaries - PT 2
AP Gov - Foundation Document Summaries