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Classroom Policies

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                                With—Mrs. Payne


Classroom Policy:
As an Iroquois high school student , there are a few requirements that each student is expected to follow in the art room for having a successful year!


  • Be prompt, do not be late for class.  In doing so you take time away from learning a lot of important and fun information for your projects.  It also takes time away from other students learning time in class.

  • Be prepared to work. Please bring your sketchpad and pencil to EVERY class. It is very important.

  • Participate in discussions/critiques.

  • Raise your hand if you have something to contribute.

  • Be respectful of yourself and others around you.  This also includes being respectful of the materials you are using.

  • Food/beverages are at the teachers' discretion.

  • Phone use-Phones may be used for research if allowed and to listen to music while working. Texting/talking  is not allowed during instructional time.

  • If you break a rule (which has been discussed in class), you will be given a verbal warning.  If this does not work, you may be asked to go to speak with the admin or go to the Ice room. Remember all the rules discussed in class and posted are designed to keep you and others safe in the art room.  This will make your art learning experience a positive one!


Your grade will be based on the following:



Class work,  Homework  



 Each project will be graded based on a rubric.  The rubric may change depending on the criteria of a particular assignment,

the categories are set to the NYS Visual Art Standards.



All students are required to have a pencil and sketchbook for class.

You may want to bring in other supplies depending on your individual interests.



  Student grades will be posted online in Grade Book.

  The best way to contact me is via

E-mail at  with any questions or concerns. 

You may also reach me by leaving a message at (716) 652-3000 x. 7161