Applied Geometry Letter to Parents
Dear Parents and Guardians:
At the start of this school year, please allow me to introduce myself as your child’s Applied Geometry teacher. This is a team-taught class with our main concern being to help your child achieve in math to the best of his/her ability.
The students are very involved in all aspects of their learning. You may notice different types of homework, class work, and assessments than in the past. Completion of these activities is imperative for success. The goals included more student engagement and student-directed learning.
The final assessment at the end of the school year is NOT a Regents exam. It is a teacher-created assessment, based on the topics we cover this year.
Your child has also received a letter explaining classroom rules and procedures so that they are aware of what will be expected of them in class. Please review their letter.
If you have any questions or concerns during the school year, email me at You can also contact me by telephone at 652-3000, ext. 7130 (Ms. Addesa). I will get back to you promptly.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping your child have a successful school year.
Ms. Amy Addesa